Woof! Hello, I’m Dexter. I’m a 4 year old brindle Boxer and I live with my family in the countryside just outside London.
I’m on the small(ish) side for a boy Boxer, weighing in at 25kgs (Adam & Jo think its quite enough!) and I’m quite high maintenance because I’m allergic to lots of stuff – mainly dust, cooked / processed chicken and some vegetables. Oh, and the preservatives in most processed dry dog food!
Adam & Jo took me to a special vet when they first noticed I was really itchy (my ears, tummy and paws were sore) and they put me on new diet and gave me lots of pills and lotions to get me back to normal. These worked for a while but I also had to have injections each month, which none of us liked.
Because of this, Jo did lots of research and found some recipes for home-cooked food (mainly oily fish and veg) and I had this for a while but then I got itchy again so we all went back to the vet to see what else we could do that didn’t involve lots of pills and monthly injections and he suggested that I try a RAW food diet.
And looking back, what a day that was! Now I have mainly raw duck (without any vegetables added) and some raw chicken (its only the cooked stuff I’m allergic to) and lamb. It comes ready chopped, meat, bones, offal – the lot and I love it!
If you want to know which company Jo uses, get in touch and she’ll be happy to give you the details. I also have some fabulous treats now – they are 100% dried liver and whenever we buy a packet another packet is donated to a dog shelter, which I think is nice.

Me on one of my morning walks

One of favourite weekend walks!
I love a good snooze but I can also be quite active so I usually go on 2 walks a day (unless it’s raining as I don’t like getting my paws muddy) and we go across fields, through woods or around the town where we live. I usually stay quite close by unless one of my friends is with me (Charlie or Tia, in particular) and then I run and tumble around. And if it’s a really good walk, I chase my ball. I think a ball might just be my most favourite toy in the world, I could play with one all day. I don’t mind if it’s a tennis ball, rugby, football anything that can be thrown and bounces is for me (I really like it when I catch it on the volley!)Charlie (the shaggy Schnauzer) is my best friend and he and I see each other most days as we come to the office. As long as we have a nice walk in the morning and a play at lunchtime we are pretty good and just snooze the day away whilst Kate and Jo do all the work.

Lunchtime Walk

Office Snooze….
I think that’s probably enough from me for now as the sun has just come out and I can see a spot in the garden that’s just asking to be snoozed in!Don’t forget to get in touch if you’d like any more information about how Jo made my food or what they do now to keep me from being itchy, or if you just want to say hello. See you later,Woof!